2012 Memberships

We are only offering full shares again this season at a rate of $350 per share, if this is too much for your household consider splitting it with a friend or family member so you all can enjoy.  We are in our third year of doing CSA and although we learned a lot last couple years we are still only offering a limited amount of shares so that everyone gets their money’s worth.  Shares are offered on a first come first serve basis and payment is due when you sign up.  As a member we will also be asking for feedback, what works, doesn’t work, what can be improved and what you would like to see from the farm in the years to come.  If interested in joining please contact the farm by e-mail at Jolene3737@hotmail.com.

What's in a Share?
Each member will receive a 5/9 bushes box of fresh picked produce weekly for about 16-18 weeks, late June to mid October. A share will typically feeds a family of four average vegetable eaters or two heavy vegetable eaters depending on eating habits.
Your produce will be delivered weekly to a pick-up site to be determined along with a weekly newsletter that will provide farm news, information about the produce, recipes and announcements.

We are still forming drop off sites so if you are interested in being a drop off we require that at least 5 shares be delivered there each week so get your friends, co-workers or neighbors to join and we will deliver to you.